creative department gabble

All the news and gossip from Penna's blue-haired stepchild

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Creme Caramel Challenge

Here’s a game for your next Christmas party or in fact any quietish day of the week. Take a pack of Creme caramels on offer from your nearest Tesco Metro, at least three people willing to challenge anybody for anything (easy in our office) and you have yourself the creme caramel challenge. The object on the game is to suck up the creme caramel in one go leaving nothing or as near to nothing as you can on the plate. The three contestants here are Nathan (founder of the challenge), Gill and myself. I think you’ll agree who has the biggest mouth here.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gambling with the shopping

It's often the case that you'll find the odd disgarded shopping list when you pick up a basket from the front of the supermarket, but this one raises more questions than it answers. I can see the owner of this list sitting on a stool in a William Hill betting shop, after watching their horse fall at the first fence at the Epsom 3.30, hurriedly compling this extensive menagerie of culinary delights, lest they forget the wife's favourite tipple or that brand of chocolate she loves.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Neil's recipe for tea

Place cup under Flavia machine.

Select 'espresso' setting and put a packet of tea through on that.

Do that again.

And once more.

Add a tiny dash of milk.

This is what he calls a 'Triple Royale'.

However that is what I call a 'Triple Caffeinated Cup of Grit and a Total Perversion of the Flavia Machine'.

Having said that, I have a feeling it just might make the production department run at three times its normal speed, despite the fact that Ondine's on holiday.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

grossness update:

Nathan was tempted by the very last 'hazardously sour candy' on the treats table.

He lasted 3 seconds.


grossness challenge

I'm not really sure why we do these things to ourselves. But there seems to be an atmosphere of taking dares going round the PRC office at the moment.

Jan brought us back some sweeties from her holiday in Spain. These sweets are even more hideous than the magnet that KT brought back from Menorca, featuring a sun that was conspicuously absent for her entire holiday. But I digress. Toxic sweets.

Does this look appetising to you?

No no, hang on -- you're really selling it to me with this:

So basically, these are sweets which the producer admits are not the kind of thing you want to keep in your mouth for any length of time.

This was a gauntlet down in the PRC office.

Jan Lewis spit hers out before she got to the centre. OOooh. Wussy.

I had one. I busted through that outer core and it was easy after that. But as an American, I have had extensive training in the consumption of revolting foodstuffs. See Wikipedia's entry on warheads.

Gary Seabrook ate one. Well done Gary.

Ondine Howard ate one. Well done Ondine.

Neil Carter ate four at the same time. He da man.

However, I think the crown must go to Mister Mike Burgneay, who ate a toxic sweet and washed it down with a Mars flavoured cappuccino from the flavia machine.

Dude, that's sick! Mike is a hero!

Monday, October 01, 2007

shoe swap

We had a shoe swap on Friday morning.

Somehow I think I came out of that one better than Neil did. Pinch!

Although clomping my way into the kitchen to toast a bagel whilst wearing shoes that were 8 sizes too big did generate a few odd looks.