Belly Shame!
It's tough working under these conditions.
JR the Creative Director has some kind of thing with getting his abdomen out... perhaps he is just trying to prove that he's been working very hard at brainstorms -- which in his case require full English breakfasts. Or maybe he is just trying to show us that it is possible for men to look slightly pregnant if they dedicate themselves heartily enough to the consumption of lager and the steadfast avoidance of too much exercise.
Now to be honest, I myself still have a bit of a 'pitch belly' from the past-midnight working hours a couple of weeks ago and all that quiche Nath brought in. But the difference between me & JR is that I know when to keep it Put Away. Actually, maybe he is getting his belly out to divert the attention from mine. In which case I should be appreciating the professional chivalry of his ponch cultivation.
But it's mentally disturbing. I think I've even had bad dreams about it. So I told him that if he showed it one more time in the office I was going to post it on the blog.
Following a very over the top belly exposing session just prior to going out to do some serious brainstorming for Ernst & Young, I have decided to make good on the threat.
Meaning, my boss is out working hard to bring home solutions for a client, and I am using my lunch break to post pictures of his belly on the internet.
I bet you have never been so grateful for a fern in all your life.